Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Are you afraid of jinxing it?

Well I am. At least when it comes to writing it down and publish on the blog. But I will anyway, mostly because it's so great news but also to get back in the blogging saddle.

I'm gonna be in Threads Magazine! Or not really me, but my coat. I got a lovely e-mail from Sarah at Threads a couple of weeks ago, saying they would love to have my garment featured!

The first plan was to fed-ex the coat to Connecticut. I thought it was a crazy idea, thinking it might be cheaper to put me inside the coat on a regular flight, but it felt so good to tell people my coat was being fed-exed to USA for a photo-shot. After Sarah looked at the cost for shipping, we settled on me taking the photos.

Of the instructions I got, one was to pick a neutral background. Well, if you know me, you know I don't have any neutral backgrounds. Sea green doesn't really count, but it was the best one. The only problem with my light and bright apartment is there are shadows everywhere - even on rather cloudy days.

I used the same dress stand for this one, only moved around the padding from hips to bum to support the pleating. The bodice of the coat needed a lot more support than the Dior jacket; I guess both because of the weight of the skirt and because it's so much softer and less tailored and engineered than the jacket. There's a huge amount of padding on the dress stand, and when I ran out of that, handkerchiefs and silk scarves had to suffice.

You do not want to know how many photos I've taken. (Well, you probably do. 189.) There is always some lump or wrinkle or crease or strange angle or annoying shadow - or some padding on their way out. But just now, I selected the best 10 and sent to Sarah for an evaluation.
Coat for Thread's
Well, this wasn't among the chosen ones. See the sad and limp left sleeve? No good. (The photos will of course be silhouetted and everything, but I leave that to the pros at Threads.)

I just hope I don't jinx it by publishing it here.


  1. Grattis till att vara med i Threads Magazine! Din kappa är verkligen fin! Och jag vet vad du menar med fotograferingen, det är nästan omöjligt att få till det riktigt, riktigt bra! Vilken tur man kan ta hur många foton som helst numera, tänk om du skulle behöva framkalla 189 foton! Hjälp vilken kostnad :) Hoppas nu de blir nöjda på redaktionen! Tina/ Gavannasewing

    1. Tack! Jag hoppas också att bilderna kan funka. Och hade jag behövt framkalla 189 foton hade det definitivt varit billigare att flyga till USA!


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