Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Where do you want me to be?

Well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm really upping my blogging game. I do hope you like it as much as I do! I'm also trying to find my way through the jungle of social media. I love Pinterest, I don't understand Twitter and Facebook really seems better for friends than for blogs. So Instagram? I actually joined up a couple of days ago, just in time for Rachel's (of the House of Pinheiro) #sewphotohop for August. (Just searching for # on the keyboard makes me feel a hundred years old.)

Anyway, the question is, where and how do you want to follow me? Are you all reading through Feedly or Bloglovin' or some other reader I don't know about? Is it Pinterest or Facebook or Instagram and please don't say Twitter? (Or YouTube. That would be even worse.) Somewhere else where sewing bloggers gather?
StinaP on Instagram |
Yes, you can see I would be grateful for more followers...

(And look look - brand new social media icons to the right!)


  1. Hey Stina,
    I follow my favorite blogs via Bloglovin. I also joined Instagram and follow a (very) few, but honestly, to use all those social media is too much for me and I do not have the time for it. I rather spend my free time sewing. But I, too, would love to have more followers :-)

    1. I know - I can spend far too many hours on Pinterest instead of doing something else, like sewing. It's a balancing act!

  2. I found you on Instagram but I only got active on it due to the SewPhotoHop challenge. It is so quick to upload and like, and fairly quick to comment. But I prefer writing and reading blogs.

    1. Welcome! I agree; so far I think Instagram is quick and nice, but I do like the length you'll get in a blog.


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