Thursday, 31 December 2015

2015 - another year passed

I enjoyed putting a list together last year, so let's do it again. But in English this time.

Best creation
The dark blue lace skirt or the blue-grey jacket / cape? Can't really decide. They would look amazing together!
Jacket Cape in wool Vintage Vogue V2934 |
Blue soutache lace pencil skirt sewing couture |
Best outfit
I've struggled quite a bit with my wardrobe this year - as evident in far too many posts - and spent more time than usual in modal jersey and black, and far less time in vintage dresses. I'm still not sure where all of this is going, but I've felt most comfortable in pencil skirts.
Best buy: vintage
The 3/4 black circle skirt in silk faille. I think I've worn it once or twice a week since I bought it. Even though slim skirts are my new best friends.
Best buy: fabric
Oh. So much fabric has entered my home this year! How to decide what's best?
Fabric haul 2015 |
Best buy: the rest
Apart from all the good food, massages, travels etc I'm so very pleased with the nightstand I found in Helsingör. And the floors and walls of my bedroom, if you can count that as a purchase.
Fleamarket find vintage nightstand |
Best travel
I've only been away twice this year; London and Lisbon. Despite the gorgeous fabrics in Lisbon I'll have to go with London. The fabrics, the champagne and flamingos, spending time with family, the V&A and most importantly - the Clothworkers' Centre. Inside this magnificent building is a magnificent treasure of textiles - it's the archive for more than 100 000 pieces from V&A's vast collection. I was able to spend two hours with five pieces of haute couture, take lots of photos of them and signing contract after contract that I won't show them to anyone... I still can't believe I was there.
Clothworkers' Centre Blythe House London |
Greatest shock
The e-mail from Threads Magazine wanting to feature my ruby red coat! Not perhaps a shock, but still a great surprise - that my blog is on Burda's top 50 list again! And that I really, really enjoy working out.
Working out |
Greatest joy
That I've at least kind-of managed to mix my everyday work as architect / project manager with blogging and sewing, working out and everything else.
Greatest disappointment
That I've let the blog slip not just once but twice this year. And that I still have so many vintage dresses to sell, and so few clothes to wear.
Most yearned for
Most read blogs
My favourite blogs are still Gertie, Laura Mae and Marina, but like me, they've been blogging less this year. Overall, there seems to be less blogging (if you don't count the endless list of blogs about blogging and making money blogging about blogs and... I guess some parts of the blogging world must be thriving.) A nice new acquaintance is Lisa Comfort of Sew Over It and her vlog.
Most inspiring
The fabric stores in London and LisbonThe Clothworkers' Centre. Signé Chanel and Dior & I on screen. Gods & Gårdar (my guilty pleasure; a Swedish magazine on castles and mansions were people actually live!), Pinterest... This list can be long!
Gods och Gårdar | www.stinap.comWishes for 2016
I think I'll continue with the wishes from last year: more discipline, more romance, more travels, more inspiration, and more time.

As usual - a very happy new year to you all! And please, let 2016 be a brighter year for mankind...
Candle for mankind |

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